Migrating from Bitly to YOURLS
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A tutorial on how to migrate Bitly shortlinks into a YOURLS installation with a simple PHP script.
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A tutorial on how to migrate Bitly shortlinks into a YOURLS installation with a simple PHP script.
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Learn how to make a 3D logo in your web browser using three.js and Javascript.
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A guide on how to setup a server-side YouTube upload script using the V3 OAuth API in PHP, including how to generate and store a refresh token using PHP.
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A quick solution to disable Wordpress Jetpack stats when someone saves your webpage and accesses it locally.
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An example of how to fire Google Universal Analytics events sequentially by nesting them inside each fired events hitCallback function.
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Font-face fonts not rendering correctly in Google Chrome on Windows? Here are a couple of methods to solve this by forcing Chrome to use your SVG font which renders better on Windows.
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Using .htaccess you can restrict all traffic to a domain while allowing an alias subdomain to accept traffic via a few simply lines in a .htaccess file.
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Learn how to add your own custom WordPress administration colour scheme and corresponding CSS file.
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A guide on how to get the PHP XSLT extension installed and working in 5 minutes on CentOS with little more than a few yum commands and copying / updating files.
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In Squiz Matrix, if you’re reading an XML data source and passing a parameter to this data source that you’re not sure if any data exists, you might want to send a 404 if no data is found as opposed to an empty asset returning a 200 Success.